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Version: 1.2

Compatible OCI Registries

This page contains a list of projects leveraging ORAS, as well as registries that are known to support OCI Artifacts.

Would like your registry and/or project listed here? Please submit an issue. We're happy to promote all usage, as well as provide feedback.

Registries supporting OCI Artifacts

CNCF Distribution version 2.7+

CNCF Distribution is a reference implementation of the OCI distribution-spec. Running distribution locally, as a container, provides local/offline verification of ORAS and OCI Artifacts.

Using a local, unauthenticated container registry

Run the docker registry image locally:

docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 registry

This will start a distribution server at localhost:5000 (with wide-open access and no persistence outside of the container).

Using Docker Registry with authentication

  • Create a valid htpasswd file (must use -B for bcrypt):

    htpasswd -cB -b auth.htpasswd myuser mypass
  • Start a registry using the password file for authentication:

    docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 \
    -v $(pwd)/auth.htpasswd:/etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd \
    -e REGISTRY_AUTH="{htpasswd: {realm: localhost, path: /etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd}}" \
  • In a new window, login with oras:

    oras login -u myuser -p mypass localhost:5000

You will notice a new entry for localhost:5000 appear in ~/.docker/config.json.

To remove the entry from the credentials file, use oras logout:

oras logout localhost:5000

Using an insecure Docker registry

To login to the registry without a certificate, a self-signed certificate, or an unencrypted HTTP connection Docker registry, oras supports the --insecure flag.

  • Create a valid htpasswd file (must use -B for bcrypt):

    htpasswd -cB -b auth.htpasswd myuser mypass
  • Generate your self-signed certificates:

    $ mkdir -p certs
    $ openssl req \
    -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout certs/domain.key \
    -x509 -days 365 -out certs/domain.crt
  • Start a registry using that file for auth and listen the address:

    docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 \
    -v `pwd`/certs:/certs \
    -v $(pwd)/auth.htpasswd:/etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd \
    -e REGISTRY_AUTH="{htpasswd: {realm: localhost, path: /etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd}}" \
    -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/domain.crt \
    -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/domain.key \
  • In a new window, login with oras using the ip address not localhost:

    oras login -u myuser -p mypass --insecure <registry-ip>:5000

You will notice a new entry for <registry-ip>:5000 appear in ~/.docker/config.json.

Then you can pull files from the registry or push files to the registry.

  • To push single file to this registry:

    oras push <registry-ip>:5000/library/hello:latest hi.txt --insecure
  • To pull files from this registry:

    oras pull <registry-ip>:5000/library/hello:latest --insecure
  • To remove the entry from the credentials file, use oras logout:

    oras logout <registry-ip>:5000
Using a plain HTTP Docker registry

To pull or push the HTTP Docker registry. oras support --plain-http flag to pull or push.

The --plain-http flag mean that you want to use http instead of https to connect the Docker registry.

  • Create a valid htpasswd file (must use -B for bcrypt):

    htpasswd -cB -b auth.htpasswd myuser mypass
  • Start a registry using that file for auth and listen the address:

    docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 \
    -v $(pwd)/auth.htpasswd:/etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd \
    -e REGISTRY_AUTH="{htpasswd: {realm: localhost, path: /etc/docker/registry/auth.htpasswd}}" \
  • In a new window, login with oras using the ip address not localhost:

    oras login -u myuser -p mypass --insecure <registry-ip>:5000

You will notice a new entry for <registry-ip>:5000 appear in ~/.docker/config.json.

Then you can pull files from the registry or push files to the registry.

  • To push single file to this registry:

    oras push <registry-ip>:5000/library/hello:latest hi.txt --plain-http
  • To pull files from this registry:

    oras pull <registry-ip>:5000/library/hello:latest --plain-http
  • To remove the entry from the credentials file, use oras logout:

    oras logout <registry-ip>:5000

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

ECR Artifact Blog Post: OCI Artifact Support in Amazon ECR

  • Authenticating with ECR using the AWS CLI

    aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION --profile $PROFILE | oras login \
    --password-stdin \
    --username AWS \
  • Pushing Artifacts to ECR

    oras push $REPO_URI:1.0 \
    --artifact-type application/vnd.unknown.config.v1+json \
  • Pulling Artifacts from ECR

    oras pull $REPO_URI:1.0

Azure Container Registry (ACR)

ACR Artifact Documentation:

  • Authenticating with ACR using Service Principals

    oras login --username $SP_APP_ID --password $SP_PASSWD
  • Authenticating with ACR using AAD credentials and the az cli

    az login
    az acr login --name myregistry
  • Pushing Artifacts to ACR

    oras push \
    --artifact-type application/vnd.unknown.config.v1+json \
  • Pulling Artifacts from ACR

    oras pull

Google Artifact Registry (GAR)

  • Authenticating with GAR using the gcloud command-line tool

    gcloud auth configure-docker ${REGION}
  • Pushing Artifacts to GAR

    oras push ${REGION}${GCP_PROJECT}/samples/artifact:1.0 \
  • Pulling Artifacts from GAR

    oras pull ${REGION}${GCP_PROJECT}/samples/artifact:1.0

GitHub Packages container registry (GHCR)

  • Authenticating with GHCR

    echo $GITHUB_PAT | oras login -u GITHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin
  • Pushing Artifacts to GHCR

    oras push${GITHUB_OWNER}/samples/artifact:1.0 \
  • Pulling Artifacts from GHCR

    oras pull${GITHUB_OWNER}/samples/artifact:1.0

Docker Hub

  • Authenticating with Docker Hub

    echo $ACCESS_TOKEN | docker login -u $DH_USER --password-stdin
  • Pushing Artifacts to Docker Hub

    oras push${DH_USER}/artifact:1.0 \
  • Pulling Artifacts from Docker Hub

    oras pull${DH_USER}/artifact:1.0

Zot Registry

Red Hat Quay

  • Authenticating to using a Robot Account and Token
echo $TOKEN | oras login -u $ROBOT_ACCOUNT --password-stdin
  • Pushing an artifact to
oras push$USER/$REPOSITORY/myartifact:v1 --artifact-type application/text ./myartifact.txt
  • Pulling an artifact from
oras pull$USER/$REPOSITORY/myartifact:v1


echo $ARTIFACTORY_PAT | oras login -u ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME --password-stdin
  • Pushing an artifact to Artifactory
oras push$ARTIFACTORY_OCI_REPOSITORY/myartifact:v1 --artifact-type application/text ./myartifact.txt
  • Pulling an artifact from Artifactory
oras pull$ARTIFACTORY_OCI_REPOSITORY/myartifact:v1