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Version: 1.1

oras cp

Copy artifacts from one target to another

oras cp [flags] <from>{:<tag>|@<digest>} <to>[:<tag>[,<tag>][...]]


Copy an artifact between registries:

oras cp localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 localhost:6000/net-monitor-copy:v1

Download an artifact into an OCI image layout folder:

oras cp --to-oci-layout localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 ./downloaded:v1

Upload an artifact from an OCI image layout folder:

oras cp --from-oci-layout ./to-upload:v1 localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1

Upload an artifact from an OCI layout tar archive:

oras cp --from-oci-layout ./to-upload.tar:v1 localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1

Copy an artifact and its referrers:

oras cp -r localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 localhost:6000/net-monitor-copy:v1

Copy an artifact and referrers using specific methods for the Referrers API:

oras cp -r --from-distribution-spec v1.1-referrers-api --to-distribution-spec v1.1-referrers-tag \
localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 localhost:6000/net-monitor-copy:v1

Copy certain platform of an artifact:

oras cp --platform linux/arm/v5 localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 localhost:6000/net-monitor-copy:v1

Copy an artifact with multiple tags:

oras cp localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 localhost:6000/net-monitor-copy:tag1,tag2,tag3

Copy an artifact with multiple tags with concurrency tuned:

oras cp --concurrency 10 localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1 localhost:5000/net-monitor-copy:tag1,tag2,tag3


      --concurrency int                                 concurrency level (default 3)
-d, --debug debug mode
--from-ca-file string server certificate authority file for the remote source registry
--from-distribution-spec string [Preview] set OCI distribution spec version and API option for source target. options: v1.1-referrers-api, v1.1-referrers-tag
--from-header stringArray add custom headers to source requests
--from-insecure allow connections to source SSL registry without certs
--from-oci-layout set source target as an OCI image layout
--from-password string source registry password or identity token
--from-plain-http allow insecure connections to source registry without SSL check
--from-registry-config path path of the authentication file for source registry
--from-resolve host:port:address[:address_port] customized DNS for source registry, formatted in host:port:address[:address_port]
--from-username string source registry username
-h, --help help for cp
--platform os[/arch][/variant][:os_version] request platform in the form of os[/arch][/variant][:os_version]
-r, --recursive [Preview] recursively copy the artifact and its referrer artifacts
--resolve host:port:address[:address_port] base DNS rules formatted in host:port:address[:address_port] for --from-resolve and --to-resolve
--to-ca-file string server certificate authority file for the remote destination registry
--to-distribution-spec string [Preview] set OCI distribution spec version and API option for destination target. options: v1.1-referrers-api, v1.1-referrers-tag
--to-header stringArray add custom headers to destination requests
--to-insecure allow connections to destination SSL registry without certs
--to-oci-layout set destination target as an OCI image layout
--to-password string destination registry password or identity token
--to-plain-http allow insecure connections to destination registry without SSL check
--to-registry-config path path of the authentication file for destination registry
--to-resolve host:port:address[:address_port] customized DNS for destination registry, formatted in host:port:address[:address_port]
--to-username string destination registry username
-v, --verbose verbose output